Architectural Landscapes along the Rideau Canal in Ottawa

Last night (after meeting with two Santas to plan 2023’s Holiday season, it’s only 4 months away!) I went into downtown Ottawa to drop a package off for my youngest (how is it possible they are 21 already?).

Wanting fresh ideas I asked if there were any interesting buildings worth photographing in their area - I was looking for unusual and got “the canal, embassies and churches”.

On my way back to my car I mumbled to myself “Been there done that”, so I packed up my Nikon with perspective control lens & tripod and went for a walk along the canal to see if I could find the unusual. It was not quite twilight but the smoke from local fires, overcast skies, and calm waters on the Canal were the perfect (unique) ingredients for long-exposure architectural landscapes.

There are no sky replacements or AI involved in these pictures - just composited shift lens files and some Photoshop lighting and contrast augmentations to make buildings stand out more.

Sometimes it’s good to revisit the “been-there-done-that” locations.

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