Personal Branding on Location

People buy you before they buy your product or service.

We will create candid and posed editorial style still images of you at your work,
while you work, in a magazine cover style that you can share across all of your media.

Contact Frank Fenn 613-276-3351 or via email: LINK

Personal Branding Session: $250 per 1-hour session

Creating professional, real-world environmental photographs for you to use on your print, website and socials.
Settings: your office, worksite, during a keynote speech, or at a property you have listed or in your favourite coffee shop.

  • 1 person per hour
  • 5 gently retouched print resolution digital images per person 
  • Images uploaded to a private online gallery for your downloading and use on print, websites and social media
  • Gallery link delivered via email within 3 business days.

Who this is ideal for: sales people, contractors, entertainers and solopreneurs

Contact Frank Fenn 613-276-3351 or via email: LINK

Contact with details of your project

Include number of people, any theme, the location and possible dates.

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